Grey Gardens tells the story of Big Edie and Little Edie Bouvier Beale, the eccentric aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. The play is based on the 1975 documentary by Albert and David Maysles-a cult classic, which is celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2015 and inspired the HBO film of the same name that starred Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. Set at the Bouvier mansion in the Georgic section of East Hampton, the musical follows a mother and daughter on their hilarious and heartbreaking journey from glamorous aristocrats to notorious recluses in a crumbling house filled with memories and cats.
"I am very excited to bring this daring musical sensation to the valley this summer," said John Glenn, Company of Fools' Core Company Artist. "The musical is entertaining and complex, featuring a terrific score and fascinating characters. With this production, Company of Fools will continue to share richly layered storytelling with our community."
Core Company Artist John Glenn directs and R.L. Rowsey musical directs a standout cast, which features local actors Andrew Alburger, Jana Arnold, Ella Boice, Milana Harter and Aly Wepplo as well as guest actors Chris Carwithen (Seattle, WA), Leonardo Escobar (a Boise-based actor making his COF debut), Tess Worstel (a Boise-based actor making her COF debut) and Jonathan Alexander Young (New York-based actor making his COF debut).
The creative team for Grey Gardens includes Dennis Rexroad (Set Design), Steven Koehler (Light Design), Darrin J. Pufall (Costume Design), Ann Price (Dialect Coach), Ted Macklin (Sound Design) and K.O. Ogilvie (Stage Manager).
Grey Gardens is generously sponsored by Joyce Friedman in celebration of Norman Friedman's Life.
Company of Fools' 21st Season sponsors are High Country Fusion, Ken Lewis, Ali Long, Priscilla Pittiglio, Mary Ann & John Underwood, Linda & Bob Edwards, Arrow 'R Storage and Scott Miley Roofing.
Ticket Information
Tickets are $35 for full price, $30 for seniors and Center members and $15 for students (18 and under). These ticket prices do not include the "Pay What You Feel" preview (June 28), 10 for $10, and Educators Day (June 30). There is also a SPECIAL GROUP RATE-groups of eight or more receive $30 tickets!
Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 208.578.9122 or at the Liberty Theatre box office starting one hour prior to curtain. Company of Fools' box office is located at the Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main Street in Hailey, with hours from 10am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. All seats are reserved, with the exception of our "Pay What You Feel" preview.