Boise Little Theater presents Wrong Window, a comedy/thriller, for adult audiences, by Billy Van Zandt & Jane Milmore (Presented with permission from Samuel French), and directed by Sean McBride. Performances are Jan. 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26, 8pm; Jan. 17 & 24, 7:30pm; and Jan. 20 & 26, 2pm.
The story: Van Zandt & Milmore pay tribute to Master of Horror Alfred Hitchcock, with this comedy whodunit. Off-and-on New York couple Marnie and Jeff enter an even more complicated phase of their relationship when they think they spy their cross-courtyard neighbor do away with his wife. After they draw their torn curtain, the lady vanishes, and suspicion places murder beyond a shadow of a doubt. The bumbling witnesses sneak into their neighbor's apartment - 39 steps away - and the fun begins. Among multiple door-slammings, body-snatchings, and a frantic flashlight chase scene, two questions remain: Who killed Lila Larswald? And... if she's not dead...then who is? The crazy farce plays out on a shadow-box set that allows the audience to be present in one apartment, while viewing the action in its mirror-image neighboring unit across the way.
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