I wasn't one of the first to see this, but I was there for opening night of the World Premiere of THE UNCANNY VALLEY written by Dwayne Blackaller and Matthew Cameron Clark produced by Boise Contemporary Theater.
I knew that the play was set in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho. That is all I knew aside from the title. I have not done any further research into what the play was about. What I saw was not what I was expecting.
I know that being produced at Boise Contemporary Theatre they had access to many talented actors and they chose well. Of the five cast members, four are equity actors [Carie Kawa, Matthew Cameron Clark, Justin Ness, and Tracy Sunderland] and the other actor is a bit of a living legend here in Boise, Stitch Marker.
The set was beautifully designed by Michael Baltzel and built with the skills of Fran Maxwell. The set was a long house in the mountains and it was beautifully furnished with props by Bernadine Cockey. There was nothing to pull attention from the fact that we were at an established, old, well-loved long house. The set was also fully functional in that they had a stove hooked up and working. WARNING: Do NOT go hungry, the smell of breakfast fills the theatre a few times and may cause your stomach to grumble loudly and disturb the audience around you.
I do not want to give anything away and ruin the plot for you. Just know, this is a play that will make you think and make you wonder. How would you feel? How would you react? What is it that makes us truly human?
If someone were to ask me to go with them to see it (again), my response would be, "Will do."
CONTENT WARNING: there is brief nudity and a touch of foul language, though each is brief.