Treasure Valley Children's Theater is showing the Treasure Valley how shows for children should be done. Autumn Kersey has chosen the best of the best from Boise and the surrounding areas to present plays for our youth.
Erin Van Engelen has directed a terrific cast that cast a spell on the sold out audience. This production of CHARLOTTE'S WEB was not the usual audience interaction performance, but the audience was enthralled with the performance none the less.
The actors always speak loud enough to be heard and enunciate each word very clearly. They are expressive of word and action and they are just such a terrific bunch of folks all around.
The costuming this show was fun and not overstated. I loved the contacts for Charlotte, they helped differentiate when she was the narrator or the character. The actors took turns narrating different sections of the story depending on who was available. The way they did it was very easy to understand and not get confused.
I have heard that the shows are sold out this next weekend. I think it's worth going to see if any seats are available or watching the website for showtimes and future performances.