It was a Friday Night at Liquid Laughs this time and the house was full! It was only a month ago that I reviewed SEAN HANCOCK and HEATH HARMISON in a different show at Liquid Laughs and they are still funny.
Alright, I think I will help spread the word. Just so you know, if you go to Liquid Laughs, there are bathrooms out the door in the hall. But if you use those bathrooms you will not be able to re-enter, you need to use the restrooms behind the stage, that's behind the stage. (I'm sorry, that announcement just tickles me how much he emphasizes it)
Ok, after the announcement Sean Hancock, of Recycled Minds, took the stage to warm up the crowd and MC the show. Sean Hancock was just as funny as last time. He had a few new bits about organic deodorant and body language and some of the bits my husband and I saw last time. It was during these bits that I thought that he reminded me of a cross between Jim Carrey and Jack Black with his facial expressions and energy on stage. After he got the audience warmed up, he introduced us to SHERRY JAPHET.
Sherry Japhet was very funny. It was refreshing to hear a female comic. It is just the nature of comedy, female comedians can speak more directly to me. She talked about weight, the desire for a different name (I always wanted a different middle name) and ethnicity. Also, her search for her ethnic name (she is Taiwanese and Red-Neck). She is married and has a 16 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. Having two kids myself, boy does she nail the troubles of two children, with the natual humor that comes from having a family. And her final thought was: What would you think if your OB/GYN used slang terms?
Sean came back to announce Heath Harmison, also of Recycled Minds, and a comic in his own right. My husband and I both saw Heath last month together, and he was still funny! Even when we knew what he was going to say - he still made us laugh. His bits about drunk sounding the same worldwide: he gave us examples of a Scotsman drunk and a Texan, he did a bit about a store in the mid-west called Mynards (I laughed because I am twelve), a hero at Walmart, P90X, and he talked about his family. He is married with two children as well. He talks about road trips, potty training his son, his son definitely being HIS son, and Disney's The Wiggles.
He brought Sean up and they did some improv for us. They did the game "Sound Effects". They asked for something you do everyday and they were given the topic of making coffee. Sean made the sound effects for Heath. It was as good as I had seen on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?". I would be interested in watching a show put on by Recycled minds.
Heath ended his set with a few more of the bits he had from last show, but he threw in some impressions for us as well. He talked about being Mormon, HTS (homosexual tourette's syndrome). And ended with the purely physical humor of his friend trying to pick up a woman across the dance floor.
Even though we saw Sean and Heath just a month ago we were still laughing and had a good time. And Sherry Japhet was a wonderful, enjoyable addition as well. And Liquid Laughs was a nice venue to visit again.
Photo Credit: All photos borrowed from respective Facebook pages