When Boise Little Theater's chose to open their 66th Season with SHAKESPEARE IN HOLLYWOOD, they knew what they were doing. The show is full of fun characters: a German director, a ditzy blonde starlet, a movie mogul, a fairy king, and many more. This play is great for anyone who loves theatre. If you love Shakespeare, there are many quotes included in the script in witty ways. If you do not love Shakespeare, the play is not so focused on Shakespeare that you would not enjoy the story as it is. The script by Ken Ludwig was really enjoyable to see performed on the stage.
Kudos goes to Director Paul Archibeque and Costumer Cheryl Blauer for portraying the time as the 1930's from the instant the play was opened with the costumes and the style of acting. From the beginning, it was obvious that all the actors had committed themselves wholly to be "over the top". All of the actors were wonderful. No one seemed out of place, all gave a strong performance. The production as a whole was a success, from the set design, to props- nothing pulled the audience from the performance.
This comedy was a wonderful way to pass the evening. I would definitely recommend seeing BLT's SHAKESPEARE IN HOLLYWOOD.
Photo Credit: taken by Kevin Butler
Top photo: Sean McBride, Bradley Campbell, Shannon Foy
Bottom Photo: Todd King, Jordan Peterson, Shannon Foy
SHAKESPEARE IN HOLLYWOOD produced by Boise Little Theater plays at 100 E Fort St Boise, ID 83712 from September 12, 19, 7:30pm and September 15 & 21, 2:00pm. For tickets or more information visit http://boiselittletheater.org/