Knock 'Em Dead Dinner Theatre (KED) has a great production of ACCOMPLICE by Rupert Holmes and directed by Becky Kimsey. The script was wonderful! I would have to say that the script was the best thing about this show. At intermission, you thought one or two options. By 10 minutes into the second act however, you were happy to be taken along for the ride. Since I was in the audience, that's all you'll get out of me on the plot.
I had a lot of fun watching ACCOMPLICE. All of the acting was well done. The cast was believable in their perspective roles. Whitney Ulman, Erin Edwards, Dale Laughlin, and Kevin Kimsey all had the audience gasping and giggling exactly when they wanted them to.
The audience is almost as much of the show as the actors, I am not saying that there is audience participation, but watching and listening to the audience reactions and what they think about "who-done-it". Also, there was a group of the Red Hat Society and they are always so much fun.
ACCOMPLICE made for a very fun, entertaining night. It was well produced and well performed. I was glad I saw it.
The reason this review is so short is because I promised not to tell about the plot twists, so I don't want to mention any. If you go, you can promise too!