This is the 15th year of the Youth Summer Theater program partnership between Boise Little Theater and Boise Parks and Recreation Department. Congrats to the crew and the youth of Boise for maintaining the program for so long!
This year is special because an alum of the program is also, the current director. Whitney Ulman has directed a fun show. HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL Jr. is a very upbeat show and you can tell the youths in the show were having fun.
The performance began very energetically with the cheerleaders coming out with flips and jumps. The energy of this production never drops. The dancing was great for all the actors, whether they had experience or not: the steps were simple, yet they never got boring.
The Treasure Valley is lucky to have so many talented youths. They danced, they sang, they gave performances that most theatres in the valley would envy.
The show is a junior version of the movie musical so it is only about an hour and 15 minutes with the intermission. The only drawback is the same drawback for a few of the shows I have seen in the valley, it would have been nice if the actors had been mic'ed. Their voices were good tonally but the volume is a bit hard to control at that age to fill an entire theatre.
If you would like to go and see a show that will get your shoes tapping and your lips smiling, be sure to get out to see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL Jr.!
It continues with week July 31, August 1, 7:30pm & August 2, 2:00pm. For tickets click here.