Based on the 1997 animated film of the same name, Anastasia premiered on Broadway in 2016. From the same writing team that brought you Ragtime, this magical show transports audiences from the twilight of the Russian Empire and the end of the Romanov dynasty, to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s. Anya, a brave young woman with amnesia, sets out to solve the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing con man and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to discover whether she might truly be the Grand Duchess Anastasia the book is by Terrence McNally; Music by Stephen Flaherty; Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens.
Show Times
07/17/2025 7:30pm (Pay What You Can Preview)
07/18/2025 - 07/19/2025 7:30pm
07/20/2025 2:00pm
Bean-Brown Theatre is at 9500 Old Greensboro Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35405, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical (7/13/23-7/23/23)
Mamma Mia! (7/15/22-7/24/22)
The Mamalogues (5/20/22-5/29/22)
Grease (7/11/19-7/21/19)
God of Carnage (10/19/18-10/28/18)
Forever Plaid (9/7/18-9/16/18)
God of Carnage
South City Theatre (2/14 - 2/22) | ||
Les Miserables
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex [Concert Hall] (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
The Book of Will
The Cloverdale Playhouse (10/9 - 10/19) | ||
Graceland and Asleep on the Wind
Theatre Tuscaloosa (4/16 - 4/19) | ||
You Can't Take It With You
Leeds Arts Council (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
SIX (Boleyn Tour)
Von Braun Center [Concert Hall] (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
Les Miserables
Von Braun Center [Concert Hall] (5/6 - 5/11) | ||
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