The Whole Backstage is celebrating the 1960s with a Classic Car Cruise in on Sunday April 25th. If you have a classic car you would like to SHOW OFF, then you don't want to miss this fun opportunity! The cruise in is a free event. Cruise in will begin at 11AM and open to the public at noon and will remain open to the public till 3PM. The cast of Lovin' the 60s will perform a few selections from the show beginning at 1PM, there will be door prizes, and lots and lots of great looking cars!
Each car will receive a bucket where passers-by may drop in their loose bills and change. At 2PM the buckets will be collected. The car who collected the most money will receive a 50/50 split of the total collection from all buckets, 4 tickets to see Lovin' the 60s, and bragging rights!!!!!
Spots are still available!!! If you would like to reserve a spot for the cruise in, call the theatre today 256-582-7469. There are a limited number of spots and they will go FAST! So call today! Can't wait to see you there! TICKETS ON SALE FOR LOVIN' THE 60s!!!Picture it: Marshall County High, Prom Night, 1960. If you lived it, or wish you had, this spring at the Whole Backstage Theatre, you will have your chance. April 30-May 9, the Whole Backstage Theatre will present an original musical, "Lovin the Sixties" "Lovin' the Sixties" is the story of six couples who are reunited at their high school reunion, and reminice on how they REALLY met. Vocalists, dancers, and a live band will use the hits of the 60s to tell the story, as the characters re-live their Senior Prom 1969.Videos