Smoke on the Mountain, written by Connie Ray and conceived by Alan Bailey with musical arrangements by Mike Carver and Mark Hardwick, has become a world-wide hit. With its heartfelt gospel songs and down-to-earth characters, this musical is a celebration of life, love and bluegrass gospel at its finest.
Set in 1938, the delightful show introduces the singing Sanders family, who perform their traditional and bluegrass gospel songs for the members of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant, NC in their return to the gospel circuit. Pastor Oglethorpe welcomes the family to the church, where their individual stories and testimonies are shared during the concert. The audience serves as the members of the congregation.
"The music in this show is recognizable to audience members who grew up in country churches around the South and but certainly still enjoyable to those that didn't," said director, Hazel Jones. " The cast brings to life over 30 gospel/bluegrass hymns that range from the familiar ( I'll Fly Away) to the not so familiar ( Christian Cowboy) . I have directed all three productions of Smoke on the Mountain for the Depot over the last 35 years and this cast brings their own special gifts to the stage to make this production every bit as special as the previous two."
Actors Sally Blackwell, Leanna Wallace, Faith Bruner, Lloyd Strickland, Joe Collins, Jonathan Yarboro make up the Sanders family and Jeff Langham plays the hilarious Pastor Oglethorpe. They invite audiences to laugh at their crazy antics, sing along and witness a heartwarming conclusion that reminds audiences what it means to be a family.
Many performances are sold out but tickets remain on the following dates: August 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20 and 21st all at 7:30pm Box office hours are 9am-3pm Wednesday- Friday at 300 S Main Street, in Downtown Wetumpka. Reservations may be made by calling the box office at 334.868.1440 or