The Joe Jefferson Playhouse presents MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT. The show will run 9 Performances From May 30 - June 15th. Fridays & Saturdays Curtain: 8:00pm; Sunday Matinees: Curtain 2:00pm The Players include: King Arthur - Tim Baxter Lady of the Lake - Cathy Bouler Patsy - Jason McKenzie Sir Robin - David McCune Sir Lancelot - Matt Wigal Sir Galahad - Cory Olson Sir Bedevere - John Campbell Galahad's Mother - E.A. Keeble Historian - Day Peake Not-Dead Fred, French Guard, Prince Herbert - James Boykin Laker Girls: Allie LaVigne, Jamie Yerby, Sarah David, Haley Reimer, Katie Anderson, Marlee Stevison; Spamalot Men: Joe Fuselli, Keith Bayha, Keller Bozeman, Patrick Darby, Jeff Busby Sir Not Appearing in this Show - |