Next up at Terrific New Theatre is the pairing of two plays - a 19th-century literary classic and its modern-day sequel - performed in repertory March 5-April 4. Packaged as "The Nora Plays," the project marks the first time in TNT's history that the company will stage two plays "in rep," meaning the productions will perform during the same time frame but on alternating schedules.
Thornton Wilder's adaptation of A Doll's House - Henrik Ibsen's groundbreaking 1879 play about a woman, Nora, who throws tradition out the front door when she walks away from her marriage and her family - opens Thursday, March 5, with an 8 p.m. show. After three performances, it will yield the stage to its 2015 sequel, A Doll's House, Part 2, by Lucas Hnath, which brings Nora back home and looks at her situation with modern eyes. The play opens Thursday, March 12, and runs for two consecutive 8 p.m. performances plus a March 15 Sunday matinee at 2:30 p.m. NO SHOW on Saturday, March 14.
Beginning Thursday, March 19, the two plays will begin alternating performances on a daily basis Thursdays through Saturdays, plus a second Sunday matinee of Part 2 on March 22. The final two Saturdays of the run, March 28 and April 4, will feature performances of both plays: A Doll's House at 2:30 p.m. followed by A Doll's House, Part 2 at 8 p.m.
Directed by David Strickland, "The Nora Plays" will star Holly Croney Dikeman, Stephen Mangina, Debbie Smith, Laura Elton Towns, Caleb Clark, Chance Novalis, Meagan Oliver, Audrey Douglas, Zoe Datcher, Alex Dueffer and Marek Mangina.
Rounding out the creative team will be stage Suzee Lea Wood, set designer Stephen Fister and lighting designer Scott Littleton. Tam DeBolt is now in her fourth season as TNT's executive director.
With the 2019-20 season, TNT for the first time is offering patrons the convenience of online ticket sales. Individual tickets, season packages and Flex Passes can be purchased by visiting Of course, patrons still can place orders by email and telephone.