It's the 100th annual Nativity pageant in the town of Goosepatch, Alabama and every young girl in town has got her heart set on playing Mary, and Edie May Tubbins wants to be the Virgin Mother more than anybody! She has stiff competition between the prettiest girl in town, the religious fanatic, and the other girls vying for a chance at stardom. However, when Edie May decides to make her own miracles, she throws the Nativity for a loop that just ruins the biggest Christmas tradition in town! Now it's up to Edie and the other girls to save the Nativity and bring peace and goodwill to their fellow Goosepatchians and each other.
If you're already familiar with the Goosepatch crowd from "The Miss Goosepatch Christmas Pageant", you'll be tickled to see what they're up to this year, and if this is your first time in the town of Goosepatch, you're in for a treat you won't soon forget. Don't miss "Goosepatch Nativity!" Opening at BFT on December 8th and running through December 16th! Let us fill you with the holiday spirit and laughter this Christmas season! Tickets are $25/adults, $10/students, $15/per member of a group of 10 or more (group tix must be purchased in advance) BFT SUSTAINING MEMBERS MAY ATTEND FOR FREE!!
Show dates and time: Thursday-Saturday, December 8-10, 8:00pm Wednesday-Friday, December 14-16, 8:00pm THIS IS NOT PART OF THE BFT 2016-17 SEASON; SEASON TICKETS MAY NOT BE USED FOR ADMISSION.
To order tickets online visit