Our Lady of the Valley School Drama Department will present The Little Mermaid, Jr. on Friday, November 2 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, November 3 at 5:30 p.m., and Sunday, November 4 at 2 p.m. in the OLV Family Life Center (Gym).
On opening night, audience members can add to the experience of joining us for the dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. before the show right in the theatre, prepared by acclaimed chef and OLV parent Benard Tamburello.
Recently released for production by Music Theatre International, The Little Mermaid, Jr. will make its premiere in the Birmingham area with OLV’s production. The dinner theatre is also a “first” at OLV in its fourteen year history. Michael R. Bridges directs the show. Tickets may be obtained at the door or by calling Cathy Sherman at 991-9330. Dinner theatre reservations must be made by October 26 and may be made by contacting Cathy Hayhurst at 563-0800. For further information, call 991-5963, ext. 239 or visit the school Web Site at www.olvbirmingham.com.Pictured: Thomas Hart (King Triton), Rachel Cartwright (Ariel)