A SPECIAL WEEKEND OF LOVE! For a limited, one weekend engagement, BFT is happy to host AR Gurney's LOVE LETTERS, directed by Jack Mann, produced by Haden Marsh. This special revival of a story of enduring love stars Bob Penny and Linda Nelson, with Sandra Taylor as stage manager. January 19-22, 2017, with 8pm performances Thursday-Saturday, and a 2pm matinee on Sunday.
Tickets are $25, $10 for students, free for sustaining members! (This is not part of the BFT 2016-17 season, so Season Tickets will only be honored if holder brings a paying guest).
Go to our website to order tickets, or call 205-933-2383.
In a time of emotional uncertainty, a night of true love and a celebration of the human spirit is what we all need. Join us! LOVE LETTERS!!