The classic story of the princess and the pea meets musical comedy in ONCE UPON A MATTRESS, running from July 13 to July 22 at Theatre Tuscaloosa.
When Winnifred the Woebegone arrives at Prince Dauntless the Drab's castle hoping to win his hand, his overbearing mother, Queen Agravain, invents a test that only a true princess can hope to pass. Filled with songs, laughter, and romance, this is the perfect summer musical for the whole family.
The cast includes Kathy Wilson (Queen Agravain), Brent Jones (King Sextimus), John Walker (Prince Dauntless), Autumn Fuller (Princess Winnifred), Bradley Logan (Minstrel), Royce Garrison (Wizard), Colton Crowe (Jester), Grace Conner (Lady Larken), and Alex Freeman (Sir Harry).
For tickets and more information, please visit