The hilarious musical comedy "Nunsense" is the first offering of the New Year for Terrific New Theatre (TNT), opening on Thursday, January 18, 2018.Written by Dan Goggin, and featuring the antics of five singing/dancing nuns, "Nunsense"runs until February 10, with shows on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8p.m. and on Sundays,January 28 and February 4, at 2:30p.m.
After losing most of their convent to a leper-colony mission and an unfortunate food-poisoning incident, five unforgettable nuns hold a fundraiser to help pay the burial costs for their sisters. Their variety show of music, dancing and comedy will have Catholics and non-Catholics alike falling out of their chairs before the evening is over.
The original "Nunsense" ran for nearly 4,000 performances off-Broadway, and the beloved nun characters have spawned six sequels and three spin-offs.The show stars Darby Burgess, Theo Edwards-Butler, Melanie Hollenstein, Elise Mayfield as the nuns and Kristin Staskowski as the Reverend Mother. Edwards-Butler, a Samford University student, is a newcomer to TNT. Patty McDonald presents TNT's production.
Pat Anderson-Flowers will direct and choreograph "Nunsense." She has performed and/or directed at nearly every theatre in Birmingham and starred alongside her husband, Michael Flowers, in "The Foreigner" in the early days of Terrific New Theatre.
Set design is by Kevin Thomas and Greg Patterson with lighting design by Scott Littleton.Kim Dean Davenport is the stage manager, and Neal Hunter Hyde is the assistant stage manager. Tam DeBolt is the Artistic Director of Terrific New Theatre.
WHEN: Thursday-Saturdays, January 18-February 10at 8p.m, Sunday, January 28 & February 4, at 2:30p.m
WHERE: Terrific New Theatre - 2821 Second Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233 (in Pepper Place)
RESERVATIONS: Call (205) 328-0868
ADMISSION: $25/ticket
PATRONPARTY: Thursday, January 18, immediately following the performance
SPECIALPROMOTION: Thursdays (other than openingnight) are "pay what you can afford"
TNT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.