This is the first time the Ballet has won in its 57 years of existence.
The Huntsville Ballet recently won nonprofit of the year at the 35th Annual Small Business Awards, WAFF 48 reports.
This is the first time the Ballet has won in its 57 years of existence.
In its 57 years of existence, this is the first time the Ballet has ever won.
"I had looked at the contenders, all 20 of them," said President Sherry Polk. "The list was just overwhelming and I didn't think we had a chance to be in that arena with such wonderful nonprofits...I was almost at a loss for words."
"The city really got behind us. They supported what we were trying to build and we have some individual donors that have been very generous," Polk said. "A lot of our representatives, senators and the community as a whole have been very receptive to our situation."
Read more on WAFF 48.