Alabama New Center reports that Rachel Burttram Powers of Birmingham and her husband have launched a Tiny Theatre on Facebook Live in response to the virus outbreak.
"When this all started, we thought, we have an amazing group of theater friends, which includes a number of playwrights. Why don't we see if anyone wants us to read their plays." she said.
"Everyone's creating their own work-at-home schedule, and my new schedule is that I wake up in the morning, make a pot of coffee, and I start reading plays," said Powers. "And I can't keep up. We didn't expect we'd be doing this every week. It's kind of crazy, actually. As long as we can't really be on the boards somewhere, this is the next best thing we can do."
All of the couples Tiny Theatre performances are archived and can be viewed any time, though the live component is what makes it so thrilling.