THE ODD COUPLE by Neil Simon was the first production ever done by the Montevallo Main Street Players and in this, their 30th year, they have decided to bring back "classics." For a small community to support a theatre for that long is notable. The sad part is that the show last night only had about a dozen people in attendance, which can certainly affect the actors' energy level.
As always, the MMSP had a substantial and well-made set. It was detailed and appropriate for the 1960's setting as well as the character's circumstances. And as always, Neil Simon is funny and timeless.
My problems with this production can be summed up in two words- pace and contrasts. The wise cracking poker group that starts the show needs to be a bit brisker in their banter. And some of the lines don't make sense because of pauses that last too long. For example, Oscar asks for quiet when everyone has stopped talking long before. The other major pace problem is the changing of scenes in the second act. The curtain is closed and you hear lots of movement backstage while listening to 2 full songs, but when the curtain reopens, the stage is not changed as much as you would expect or want. I know that costumes also have to be changed, but those kinds of changes need to be rehearsed just as the lines do.
Which brings me to my other word, contrast. The contrast between Oscar and Felix is not as great as I would have liked. The difference between the apartment before Felix moved in and after is negligible. Also, little details that bugged me would also bother the OCD Felix. Things like a crooked picture on the wall the entire play and the table cloth being all kinds of crooked after he spent all day getting ready for the dinner don't seem like things Felix would do. (Not to mention, I waited nearly 6 minutes while this scene change occurred!) Felix would have made sure these things were straight. Also, when you bring out a steaming pan that just came out of the oven, use oven mitts. Small details like this are what make a show believable.
The two British girls from upstairs, played by Jessica Marie Hamlin and Gwendolyn Treptow are definitely the bright spots in this show. Although over the top, they are supposed to be and brought some excitement to the stage. Their British dialects are good and they definitely raise the energy level every time they appear.
Overall, THE ODD COUPLE is fine. If you are in the area this weekend, go see it! There are laughs to be had for sure. For more information go to or call 665-9207 ext.6.