I was very curious about seeing IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE: LIVE presented by Ravenswood Productions at Birmingham Festival Theatre for many reasons. For starters, this was produced by a new group in the area which I think is always exciting! Secondly, I have performed in this show elsewhere and it is always fun to watch a show you have been a part of. Lastly, since I had to wait so late in the run to see it, I was curious about what kind of a crowd they could possibly have on Christmas Eve afternoon.
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE is just that- wonderful! From the old fashioned sing-a-long before the show to the milk and cookies after the show, everything is enjoyable, inventive and geared towards holiday fun. It was a surprisingly respectable sized audience including several children, who seemed thrilled to be there. (With a running time of under 90 minutes, kids will stay entertained.) And with only 6 cast members, the audience is constantly hearing new voices from someone.
The set is beautiful, a rather elegant radio studio that includes a sofa and chairs for the cast when they are not on a microphone, as well as an old upright piano decked out for Christmas and deftly played by Eamon Griffith. The Foley set up is very comprehensive and period accurate. Joshua Roberts not only makes the sounds, but seems to enjoy acting as well.
All of the actors play several parts superbly and also make sure "the studio audience" sees the story acted out before our eyes. Although I knew the script by heart, I was interested in what would happen next because of the cast's investment into the storytelling. That is high praise from this reviewer/ actress. Storytelling is the actor's job and this cast does it brilliantly.
Every radio show needs a pause for station identification, so this production takes the time to let the audience fill out Audiograms before the show. You can send a message "across the airwaves" or to a fellow studio audience member. Messages for the cast as well as happy holiday messages to our troups inspire laughter and sighs and is much more effective than imaginary commercials or anything else they might have done.
Ashley Bishop stood out to me in this cast of amazing performers. She has many voices to perform, from Joseph the superintendent of angels, to Violet, to Zuzu and each one is impressive, as is her singing before the show. She seems at ease on stage and polished in everything she does. I have reviewed Todd Ponder and Patrick Johnson before and they are both very versatile performers. David Seale, Camille Spratling, and Judd McCluney are also worthy of mention.
Director Marty Higginbotham does a great job with the subtle, yet effective light cues, the spot on casting, (always the majority of the job of a director) and the overall ambiance of the radio show atmosphere coupled with the relaxed holiday atmosphere. I wish my house could be so calm and yet cheerful on Christmas day!
I hope this is a new holiday tradition for Birmingham. It definitely makes you think about your own life and gets you in the holiday spirit all at one time. I look forward to seeing this and other future productions from this group. The show runs through December 28 and is a great way to make the holidays continue. It is well worth giving up some after Christmas shopping for. Contact the box office at 844-425-2736 or www. WonderfulLifeLive.com