"Isn't It Romantic" is a charming comedy by Wendy Wasserman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "The Heidi Chronicles" (1989) and "The Sisters Rosensweig" (1992)
This play is a rewind to the "you can have it all" 1980's. This was time of transition for the children of baby boomers to the MTV generation with seemingly limitless possibilities. The plot follows two young women making those difficult steps away from the ideals of their parent's and embracing their own path. Enter two best girlfriends post their Ivy league college days. Harriet (Karen Marie Black) is a highrise uptown girl and Janie (Sara James) who is unmotivated and heavy on the chutzpah. These two women are facing a dilemma in trying to find and fit all of their life expectations, want, and dream of the future into a self-imposed small box labeled "you can have it all."
Family as it often does supplies an edge of conflict to the two young women. Janie's parents give support arrives on two opposite ends of the spectrum. Her overbearing and jazzercise mother Tasha (Penny Thomas) and chilled and dry witted father Simon (Howard Green). Harriet's super successful business mogul mother Lillian (Salena Stalker) is loving yet very distant.
The two friends each cross paths with two fellas who seem to bring a glimpse toward a relationship. Paul (Jared Funderburg) is a married and smarmy executive who gleams attention, affection from Harriet (Black) and Marty (Mike Cunliffe) who is a "good Jewish doctor" with prospects to place Janie (James) into his own box of a relationship. Both the ladies find the journey into the relationship a mirror into what they truly want for themselves.
"Isn't Romantic" addresses the highs and lows in approaching life as if it is a simple score card made of checklists. Director Marietta Lunceford gives room for the comedy and drama play out at a natural and engaging pace. The glowing highlight of the performance was the vibrant chemistry of the entire cast. They flowed with impeccable timing, honest reaction, touching, and hilarious deliveries. Vladimir (Karow Wilson) the Russian cab driver was an unexpected comedic performance.
"Isn't It Romantic" still hold up as a fresh comedy about the circumstances that cause change your perception toward what rules of what success and happiness are. It was only up for a limited run but hopefully it will return to Homewood Theatre again soon.
For those of you did not know about their big move. Homewood Theatre's spacious new location at the Brookwood Mall is a wonderful place to see a show and is and easily accessible.
Homewood Theatre
Isn't it Romantic by Wendy Wasserstein
Directed by Marietta Lunceford
Feb 20 - March 1
752 Brookwood Village
Homewood, Alabama 35209
(Across from Books A Million)