It is always interesting to hear how people first get involved in the theatre. Many feel that pull as children, others discover it in high school. Still others try it as adults and get "the bug." Howard Green had his opportunity in high school, but said, "No, thank you!"
When Green's girlfriend asked him if he would audition for the senior play with her, he basically laughed in her face. Theatre? How uncool was theatre? He thought it was so uncool, he skipped going to see the senior play altogether, even though his girlfriend had the lead.
You would think with a history like that, theatre would be bottom of the list of things Howard Green would be interested in. But years later, after his divorce, it was time for new beginnings, new friends and new hobbies. A small part came up at the LJCC in JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT and Howard jumped at the adventure. He has never looked back.
"I've been fortunate to have worked with almost every theatre company around town and have been in some truly awesome productions; "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change", "Grey Gardens", "42nd Street, "Death By Chocolate", "The Boys Next Door", "The Music Man", "Rabbit Hole", "Fuddy Mears"...but I guess my favorite remains "My Favorite Year" was a fun show, I had a great role, we had an awesome cast and I met one of my best friends in the process."
You might have seen Howard and not even realized it. Although he has had some great roles, he is also happy in smaller parts. He is many directors go to guy for character roles due to his easy attitude and his nice singing voice. I remember him most as Scrooge at the Hoover Library, where he did a good job singing and an even better job bringing authenticity to such a traditional role.
When not on the stage, Howard is working for the railroad where he has been for 28 years. Since his work day begins at 4:30 AM, rehearsal schedules are difficult, especially during tech week. Once the show opens, however, Green knows that all of the lost sleep is well worth it.
"As I get older, I realize the lead roles will diminish and the smaller roles will be the norm...but I'll be thankful just to be involved in a medium that has brought me such love, laughter and friends that will last a lifetime."
Howard Green is a perfect example of finding a passion later in life and going for it with all that he has. He has taken his time and learned and grown from his small part in JOSEPH and now enjoys each and every opportunity to entertain, make new friends and be a part of the theatre community.