This May, the ASFA Theatre Arts presents two productions by William Shakespeare in the Dorothy Jemison Day Theater. JONATHAN FULLER (recently returned from a month's Fellowship at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London) directs one of the Bard's most crowd-pleasing shows, As You Like It. Appropriately named, Shakespeare indeed wrote this one with a wide audience in mind. Whether you like secret plots, disguises, fights, comedy, witty dialogue, and love, Love, LOVE, this was written to have something you like in it. This production will be utilizing techniques learned by Mr. Fuller at The Globe the is past fall
Preceded by: The Shakespeare Film Project
ASFA Theatre Students are taking to the big screen!! Digital Film Teacher, Jason Neel and Adjunct Theatre Teacher, Melissa Summey are working together to present this 30 minute film which will consist of 7 of Shakespeare's most famous monologues and one rarely performed sonnet which has been beautifully set to song. So come prepared to be moved by the acting and musical talent of this amazing group of students.
Tonight, May 14th at 7:30 pm & Tomorrow, May 15th at 2:30 pm
In Dorothy Jemison Day Theater
Alabama School of Fine Arts, 1800 Rev. Abraham Woods, Jr. Blvd. N.
Tickets - Adults- $10.00 Students-$5.00