ACTA Theater has announced their upcoming shows.
Winter Show
Odd Couple (Female Version)
Directed by Michael Bridges
Show Dates:
February 17, 18, 24 and 25, 2012 at 7:00 pm
February 19 and 26, 2012 at 2:30 pm
Unger and Madison are at it again! Florence Unger and Olive Madison, that is, in Neil Simon’s hilarious contemporary comic classic: the female version of The Odd Couple. Instead of the poker party that begins the original version, Ms. Madison has invited the girls over for an evening of Trivial Pursuit. The Pidgeon sisters have been replaced by the two Constanzuela brothers. But the hilariy remains the same.
Spring Show
I Remember Mama
Directed by Kerry Burrell
Show Dates:
April 13, 14, 20, and 21, 2012 at 7:00 pm
April 15 and 22, 2012 at 2:30 pm
This classic comedy shows how Mama, with the help of her husband and Uncle Chris, brings up the children in their modest San Francisco home during the early years of the century. Mama, a sweet and capable manager, sees her children through childhood, manages to educate them and to see one of her daughters begin her career as a writer. Mama’s sisters and uncle furnish a rich background for a great deal of comedy and a little incidental tragedy, while the doings of the children manage to keep everyone in pleasant turmoil.