M et Mme Rêve (Mr and Mrs Dream) is a story of two imaginary beings who move through time, fantasise their lives, dream of their love and measure up to reality in the space of a moment; a bizarre and funny performance which passes before our eyes at the speed of a shooting star...
M et Mme Rêve (Mr and Mrs Dream) is also a show where for the first time projections on 200 m2screen create an immersive world acting in symbiosis with the dancers. And to what extent do the immersive virtual reality and simulation technologies used on a daily basis in industry allow for the discovery of a new language in stagecraft to enhance the experience of imagination? The answer to this question lies in the combination of art, science and technology that a team of passionate engineers and creative designers from Dassault Systèmes have developed.
Imagine yourself dancing in the cosmos, swimming in a sea of words, seeing a rhinoceros dance routine...You have only one desire: to find out who these two mysterious characters are, who have escaped the brain of a giant, and ultimately know more about their story.
Eric Dupond-Moretti
Cirque Royal (5/19 - 5/19) | ||
Mamma Mia
Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen (3/20 - 4/20) | ||
The Music of Star Wars and Galaxy Symphonie
Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen (9/21 - 9/21) | ||
Alice in Wonderland - De Musical
Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen (12/12 - 12/22) | ||
Camille - Magie 2025
Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen (2/1 - 2/2) | ||
Nawell tout court
Cirque Royal (4/5 - 4/5) | ||
La machine des enfants
Trocadero (2/16 - 2/16) | ||
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