The listener discovers the sounds that characterise La Monnaie and can let him or herself drift along in the order that he or she chooses.
EC(H)O is a podcast series (four episodes in Dutch and French) in which the sounds we hear day in day out at La Monnaie can be heard. The result is a poetic narrative from and about the people who work at La Monnaie. The different episodes are true journeys of sound, each one illustrating in a unique and original way the research carried out by La Monnaie in the field of sustainable and committed creativity.
La Monnaie General and Artistic Director Peter de Caluwe dives into the stars in search of the birth chart of the opera house. Sophie Briard, who is the head of the public department, assists him on this voyage of discovery. Together they put more than three centuries of opera history into perspective under the approving eye of the heavens.
What stories lie behind a set? The protagonists behind the scenes reveal their craft and explain how it has evolved over the years. Through the stories of material choices, spontaneous studio meetings and vivid descriptions of paint smells, we get to hear a whole other facet of this incessant opera creation.
A journey through the different entities that make the La Monnaie live. Behind every corner, a new world awaits. Every cell of this beehive is buzzing with activity. While wandering, our microphone discovers offices, rehearsal studios, workshops... places where everyone works diligently for the queen of our hive: the beauty that is about to happen in the Great Hall.
With its social programme Un pont entre deux mondes (A Bridge Between Two Worlds) and its various educational workshops, La Monnaie goes beyond its walls to meet the different backgrounds that make up Brussels society. Like a bridge that, in One Direction, leads the public to the opera and, in the other direction, offers moments of musical discovery to people from all walks of life.