What Was Done
by Jack L. B. Gohn
directed by Barry Feinstein
produced by Miriam Bazensky, Baltimore Playwrights Festival in collaboration with Spotlighters Theatre
Performances: July 14 - July 23, 2023
Fri & Sat at 8pm; Sun at 2pm
It’s 1978, in rural Maryland. Deirdre, a White historian working on grant money to complete a dissertation on lynchings in the state, is killing two birds with one stone, visiting farmland where the last Maryland lynching happened (in 1933) and stopping by her Uncle Selby’s home. An anomaly in the tax records of the farmland sets her on the trail of what really happened in the lynching, a story that reaches back to the 1840s and forward to 1978, and will turn out to involve Deirdre’s uncle, her uncle’s in-laws, Deirdre’s Black civil rights worker boyfriend, and their 14-year-old son. The story of endemic racism, once uncovered, will force the characters to make momentous decisions regarding allegiances, attitudes, and (it is implied) the politics of this present day.
A New work by a local Baltimore Playwright.
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