The Stoop Storytelling Series presents "Eureka: Stories about discoveries, breakthroughs, and brave new worlds" on Monday, May 20 at Center Stage. We'll have seven very different stories about the thrills, and unintended consequences, of discovery--scientific, political, and emotional.
A neuroscientist will talk about erasing memories; a hairstyle archaeologist will school us on ancient Roman 'dos; a mother will describe her campaign to keep her son from committing suicide; a young man will tell a story about discovering that he's gay; and a public justice lawyer will share a tale about the deadliness of a simple toothache.It's the final mainstage Stoop show of the season--and it's going to be a doozy.Stop by The Stoop on Monday May 20 for Eureka!: Stories about discoveries, breakthroughs, and brave new worlds. 7 p.m. Cocktails and Live Music from The Manly Deeds, followed by an 8 p.m. show. It all takes place at CENTERSTAGE, 700 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD. Advance Tickets Recommended. General admission tickets, $20. Purchase at or call 410-332-0033.Pictured: The Stoop (April 09, 2013) - "Rock Bottoms and Tip Tops: Stories about life's low lows and high highs"