The Mornington Players will end its run of the children's musical The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf by Val Cheatham on February 21, 2010.
The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf is a comical version of what might have occurred had the Big Bad Wolf been tried for his offenses. The Wolf, a "cool cat" character and his black-jacketed gang are, of course, being tried by the three little pigs. By the end of the trial, other Grimm characters enter into the drama. The characters portray stereotypes from the '50's, and along with the clever musical numbers, enjoy unfolding the various sides of the story. In the end the tables are turned on the wolf in a way he never expected. This light-hearted musical is full of fun and music that will be enjoyed by people of all ages.Ticket prices are $5.00 if charged online at our website or $7.00 via reservations made on the phone line (toll free at 866-303-2855) or if purchased at the door.