The two-part satirical play series parodies The Cosby Show and its spinoff A Different World.
After three sold-out performances at The Strand Theater Company, The Cosby Satires returns for a one-weekend only Virtual Encore.
Written by Baltimore native Shernā "Dr. Nae" Phillips and directed by Naelis A. Ervin, the two-part satirical play series parodies The Cosby Show and its spinoff A Different World with themes of consensual sex and a women's right to choose. Oh, this ain't The Cosby Show.
Part I - Pudding (A Cosby Satire): When Pudding vows to lose his virginity ahead of his senior year of high school, his mother and sisters (and dad too) use role play to teach him about consensual sex.
Part II - Virtue in A Different World: While her family visits Hilltop College for Homecoming Weekend, Virtue finds herself overwhelmed with step practice, college life, and a woman's right to choose.
Visit to purchase $10 tickets.