The Strand Theater Company proudly presents the inaugural production of its 2014 season, One Glitz Wish, by Kristin Harrison. A mash up of Commedia Dell'Arte, cabaret, and drag, One Glitz Wish is a hilarious evening of glamour and decadence that explodes the question of what it means to be a 'little girl.'
One Glitz Wish, which opens June 1, is the first Strand production under the leadership of the new Artistic Director, Elissa Goetschius.
"I look forward to building on the Strand's reputation as a theater that champions female artists, and serves as a home for their artistic exploration and development," says Goetschius. "I am delighted that my first production with the Strand is also a homecoming for two incredibly talented local artists--director Tara Cariaso and playwright Kristin Harrison."
"I love this show because it embraces the longing for personal fulfillment that we all experience, and makes us laugh while doing it," says Cariaso.
Previews: May 29, 30, and 31
Performances: June 1, Opening Night, includes pre-show reception and post-show Q&A with the cast; additional performances Thurs.-Sat., June 5-22. All shows are 8:00 p.m.
Ticket Information: Visit to purchase tickets.
Cast: Mazie Baskin (Mama Leonie), Samrawit Belai (Arlen Pied'Mallard), Emily Hall (Madison), Mary Myers (Andi), and Latia Stokes (Destinie)
Production team: Sandra Atkinson (Choreography), Kitt Crescenzo (Costume Design), Rachel Dwiggins (Projections Design), Carlos Guillen (Sound Design), Alec Lawson (Lighting Design), Catherine María Rodríguez (Dramaturgy), Nick Martin (Mask Design), Diane Schramke (Stage Manager), Samantha Trionfo (Hair and Makeup)