The Early Registration Deadline for the Spotlighters' Summer Young Actors Academy is Tuesday, May 28, 2013.
Register with payment in full, by Tuesday, May 28th -- and you can save $95 off the Tuition. Click the following link for more info and to register:
The 2013 Young Actors Academy:
- a summer intensive for the serious young actor, who wants to have fun!!
(Grades listed are for most recently completed)
Lower School I (K - 2) July 1 - July 19, 2013 9am - 4pm
Tuition: $595, Sibling Discount $395
Early Bird Tuition: $500
Lower School II (3-5) July 1 - July 26, 2013 9am - 4pm
Tuition: $695, Sibling Discount $495
Early Bird Tuition: $600
Middle School (6-8) July 1 - Aug 2, 2013 9am - 4pm
Tuition: $795, Sibling Discount $595
Early Bird Tuition: $700
High School (9-12) July 8 - Aug 9, 2013 9am - 4pm
Tuition: $795, Sibling Discount $595
Early Bird Tuition: $700
Space is still available in each program, but they are filling up quickly.
Training young actors for the stage and theatre through an academic and conservatory approach.
What we are - A summer theatre intensive that offers theatre education and training to youth in the Baltimore metro area. The program was designed by local theatre professionals with input from local college and university theatre educators. Our three-to-five week camp is for the serious young actor, who wants to have fun! Who we are - Educational and theatrical professionals dedicated to providing a concentrated curriculum in the knowledge, skills, and practices for powerful theatre. Our staff is comprised of teaching artists and master class instructors that work in K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, as well as at local, regional, and LORT Theatres. Their wealth of experience in the classroom and the theatre give our young actors extraordinary opportunities to gain new insight into plays and character development, while polishing their fundamental talents.The Lower School Young Actors Academy is an experience-based approach to acting, play writing, and the general craft of storytelling. Using primarily improvisational methods, students come away with notions of dramatic structure, character development, monologue and scenework, and more. Their final performance culminates in an entirely original performance -- written, directing, emceed, and of course performed, all by the ensemble. This year we are excited to offer a new Lower School program for students in K - 2, Lower School I! This will be a three week Intro to the FUN-damentals of Theatre. Our Lower School II for students in grades (3-5) will be a four week program.