Nevermore 2009, one-man reenactments, a mock-funeral, exhibits and film festivals; Baltimore has its share of Edgar Allen Poe celebrations in this, the 200th anniversary of his birth. Single Carrot Theatre, debuting a workshop theatre space in a laboratory setting for the first time, will present a different kind of tribute altogether in the Poe Project, an interactive, process-based work derived from the writings of Poe himself.
"This is a non-traditional performance," says Poe Project director Nathan Cooper. "This is a laboratory piece focused on experimentation with the process of creating new work."
Poe Project concocter (‘playwright' isn't the right word) Genevieve de Mahy has assembled a script pulled from various aspects of Poe's cannon, rearranging his words into a collage. "We will present new stories that even Poe didn't know existed," says Cooper.
Says play concocter de Mahy, "The goal of the piece was to discover the reoccurring motifs in Poe's work in order to reveal the essence of Poe but also to theatrically retell his work for a 21st century audience."
The words aren't the only thing that will be re-arranged. The seating arrangement will transform throughout and will vary on audience participation. Actors will speak directly to audience members, and allow them to be a part of the performance without isolating or featuring any specific persons.
"The audience communes with the performers, literally sitting around the same table and eating together," says de Mahy.
The audience's experience will vary depending on their willingness to interact with the actors, their fellow audience members, and the work presented to them. Talk-backs will happen after every performance.
As a part of Free Fall Baltimore, four of the five performances will be offered free of charge, but in Single Carrot's Laboratory series (a stripped-down, no frills, and performance-based offering), seating is extremely limited, and all seats are expected to be filled in advance.October 29th - November 1st
Thursday and Friday at 7:30pm
Saturday at 2:30pm & 7:30pm
Sunday at 2:30pm
443-844-9253 or
Tickets for the November 1st performance are $5 each. All others are free through Free Fall Baltimore.