Registration has begun for Howard County Arts Council's (HCAC) spring educational programs at the Howard County Center for the Arts in Ellicott City. HCAC offers classes and workshops for ages 2½ to adult. Spring arts programs, open to the public, begin April 11.
Spring classes include Messy Mondays (ages 2½-5 with parent or guardian); Saturday Art Studio (ages 5-8); 3-D Fun (ages 9-12); Ink Techniques for Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels (ages 9-14);Drawing & Composition (ages 14-adult) and Ukulele for Everyone (ages 14-adult). Two multi-session workshops - Jewelry for Beginners and Garden Mosaics (both ages 14-adult) - will be offered as well.Weekly drop-in sessions for drawing and painting from portrait and life models are also available.
Registration and full class listings are available on HCAC's website, Class brochures are available for pick-up at the Howard County Center for the Arts; requests for a brochure via the mail should be directed to 410-313-ARTS (2787). Howard County Arts Council programs are subject to minimum and maximum numbers of students; early registration is recommended.