Based on the beloved characters and stories of Dr. Seuss, Seussical the Musical follows the adventures of Horton, an elephant who one day hears voices coming from a speck of dust. This musical incorporates elements from at least 15 Dr. Seuss books and includes appearances by many of his most famous characters. During the course of the story, The cat in the Hat pops in and out of scenes, narrating, playing numerous characters, and helping the younger members of the audience keep track of what's going on. The original Broadway production received the 2001 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Music.
A fun for the whole family musical, Seussical features a cast of adults and children who portray "The Whos" (Complete cast is below). Seussical is directed by Danielle Drakes, with music direction by Pat Klink.
Also, Special Scout group rates apply for pre-booked Scout group outings. Prior to the show, students will go on a backstage tour and learn a song from the show. After the show there will be a short question/answer/autograph session with cast members.
Please call for specific rates/date availability.
Performances October 16, 17, 22, 23, & 24 at 8 pm
October 18 at 3 pm
$18 - Adults
$15 - Students with i.d. and Seniors 65 and over
$14 - Groups of 10 or more
Reservations Recommended. Please call the box office at 410-997-9352. For more information visit
Drama Learning Center
9130-I Red Branch Rd.
Columbia, MD 21045