The Baltimore Playwrights Festival (BPF)'s Play Development Workshop Readings continue today, March 14 at Fells Point Corner Theatre, 251 South Ann Street. Readings begin promptly and are followed by a short talkback. Light refreshments will be available.
11:00 AM, The Expositionary by Richard Pauli, directed by Hillary Mazer:
A brilliant but disturbed young man undertakes to demonstrate that in art as in life it's the journey, not the arrival that really matters. And also that it's a very bad idea to aggravate a crazy person.
1:00 PM, Revisions by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky directed by Miriam Bazensky:
Diana, a headstrong, successful romance novelist, gets the opportunity of her life: adapting one of her books into a movie. Her first draft is a disaster and the studio brings in a script doctor who's more interested in her than her screenplay.
3:00 PM, Logan Square by William Costanza directed by Mike Moran:
Frankie "The Finger" Ponarelli, a mid-level Chicago mobster, has seen better days. New economic realities force Frankie to find ways to meet the demands of his boss Ross "The Candyman" Spatafore and Frankie's even more demanding wife, Dolly.
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