Preheat to the year 1835. Mix the Baker and the Nobleman together until romance blossoms. For a little confusion, gently add the Sweet Young Lady into the mix. Sprinkle in a pinch of frustrated love, and then add a dash of Hero rushing in to save the day. Bake at 350 degrees for the length of one duel, or until ready to admit the truth. Serves them all right.
Quadrille is a delicious tale featuring romance, secret plots, good food, more secret plots, bad food, heroic duels, and plenty of perfectly prepared corn muffins.
Bon appetit!
The time, 1835. A time of fairly tales, romantic gestures, grand parties, and wonderful food (...well...for the wealthy at least). It was also a time when the world was full of strict decorum, class division, and ridged gender roles. Was true romance even attainable?
Enter our characters; a Self-Sufficient Female Baker, a Sweet Young Lady, a Dashing Hero, and a Blind Nobleman. Will they find love? ... Do they want it?... Will they let society dictate their future? ... And where is that amazing aroma coming from? Quadrille is a "Romantic Fairy Tale" in every since of the word. It's a story about romance, and love in the simplest and most complex of forms. The good, the bad, the hilarious, and everything in between. We all may think we know the outcome, yet as the author so brilliantly states in the script, "The fun in this play is the journey."The first preview of the actual production in 2006, where the stage manager had to literally take me by the shoulders and order me to stop worrying and put my costume on, was one of the happiest days of my theatrical life. It was the story's chance to take over and be told. (Dream Cast #2!)
Ultimately, Quadrille is a tale of four people who take an absurd and entertaining path to capture love, and find it only when the simple truth is spoken.Myrna Fielding ................................................Pamela Northrup
Viscount St. Galen (Sir Joshua) ............................... Jim Adams
Lilianne Valiere ................................................Michaela Haber
Nicholas Rondeau .................................................... Justin Diaz
Mr. Henderson ...................................................Michael Iacone
Marie/Maid ...................................................Jeannette Connors
Footman/Butler ...............................................Tyler Dos Santos
Director .......................................................... Stephen Foreman
Producer ........................................................... Pamela Northrup
Production Stage Manager ...................Nicholas Edward Carter
Assistant Stage Manager .......................................Sally Dodson
Scenic Design ................................................. Stephen Foreman
Lighting Design .......................................................Alex Brady
Sound Design ........................................................... Jim Adams
Costume Design ..................................................... Megan Scott
Hair and Makeup Design ....................................... Megan Scott
Fight Choreography .............................................Matty Montes
Props Design ..........................................................Sally Dodson
Food Props ......................................................Pamela Northrup
Running Crew ...................................................... Julian Adams
Master Carpenter ............................................ Stephen Foreman
Set Construction ...............Nicholas Edward Carter, Brad Davis, Stephen Foreman, Pamela Northrup
Set Painting .............................. Alex Adams, Stephen Foreman
Program...........Scott Bringen, Anne Gardner, Pamela Northrup
Photography ................................................. Kristofer Northrup
Original Logo Design ......................................... Jim Kilpatrick
Front of House Manager ..........................................Carol Shaw
Concessions Manager ....................................Suzanne Simpson
Gallery Manager .............................................Linda Thompson
Volunteer Scheduling Manager ..........................Lisa Zammuto
Board of Directors Representative .............................. Win Britt