The Mornington Players are seeking submissions for the position of director for their upcoming production of The Odd Couple (Female Version) by Neil Simon.
The show is set to run for two weekends April 16th to April 25th. Auditions will be held in February. Rehearsals will begin in March. Scheduling will be at the discretion of the director.
Resumes and/or questions can be sent via e-mail to ken@morningtonplayers or via USPS to 6903 Mornington Road, Baltimore, MD 21222. You can check us out on our website at www.morningtonplayers.com____________________________________________________________________________________The Mornington Players is a community based performing arts organization in residence at the Dundalk United Methodist Church. Its purpose is multi-fold: to produce quality theatrical productions at a reasonable price and to provide opportunities to expand the cultural experiences of the community. In addition, the Mornington Players seek to provide performance space for guest artists and cultural education for students of all ages.