Imagination Stage's 30th Anniversary Gala titled "Once Upon a Time...Into the Future" promises to be a spectacular evening benefiting the organization's theatre and arts education programs. First Lady Michelle Obama will be the Honorary Chair of the Gala held on October 24, beginning at 6:30pm.
The evening will include an original performance by Imagination Stage Students and Actors featuring Imagination Stage Alumnus Mo Rocca, Writer and Satirist, a unique silent auction, and a reception to follow entitled "A Fresh Taste of Fall" courtesy of Ridgewells Caterer.
Honorary Chair- Mrs. Michelle Obama
Gala Chairs- Jean-Marie Fernandez
Shari Kapelina
Anna Parisi Trone
Auction Chairs- Evonne Connolly
Amber Hsu
Single tickets begin at $250 Sponsorships begin at $1,000