Maryland Ensemble Theatre (MET) is proud to present the first installment of the live comedy variety show The Annual Live. Join The Annual Live as co-host Karli Cole decides it's time to call it quits, move to Italy and take up with the Vatican, leaving her brother and remaining co-host Kevin Cole and the rest of The Annual staff to give her a fitting send off. Meanwhile the fate of The Annual Live hangs in balance as studio execs debate how well the show will hold its own without her. It's a final farewell that brings forth the cross between The Larry Sanders Show and Sonny and Cher that no one asked for! So look forward to sketches, musical performances, and a special appearance from the Laugh Station crew!
The Annual Live is written and directed by MET Company Member by Kevin Cole who will be familiar to MET audiences from Laugh Station: Revelation and Pickle My Monkey. The show also features new sketches from Annual writers Andrew Michaels and Briana Haynie. The show itself will feature cast members (Lisa Burl, Karli Cole, Kevin Cole, Matt Lee, David Luna, Courtney McLaughlin and Andrew Michaels) playing fictional versions of themselves as they prepare for and put on a live variety show. The Annual Live will also welcome musical guests Faceless Ones on July 5th.
The Annual Live comes on the heals of the magazine's fourth issue which features an exclusive interview with improv comedian Colin Mochrie and is jam packed with original comedy from writers across the globe (or at the very least, the east coast).
Maryland Ensemble Theatre will present The Annual Live as part of its MET-X series, created to expand the collective horizons of the MET ensemble and its audience. Performances are set for tonight, and tomorrow, July 6 at 8:00 p.m. at Maryland Ensemble Theatre (31 W Patrick St. Frederick) located in the historic FSK Hotel. Tickets are $11.50 (includes all ticketing fees) and may be purchased by phone at (301) 694-4744, online at, or in person at the MET box office.
Photo Credit: Courtesy Photos