Maryland Ensemble Theatre (MET) is set to present The Comedy Pigs, the improv comedy troupe in two brand new shows this February 4 & 11 at 10:30pm. The show will take place on the MET mainstage at 31 West Patrick Street Frederick MD 21701.
Tickets to the Comedy Pigs may be purchased online at, by phone at (301) 694-4744 or in person at the MET box office. All tickets are $12 but half priced tickets are available with a ticket stub to the MET mainstage show, End Days, a show about religion, science, and the end of the world, featuring Comedy Pigs member Laura Stark.
The Comedy Pigs, Anne Raugh, Thomas Scholtes, Laura Stark, Courtney McLaughlin, Franky Russell and Jeff Schnorr bring you a fast-paced, gut-busting good time where anything goes! Formed in 1992, the group has performed at national comedy festivals, been featured on Comedy Central, and have been guests at the National Pork Producers Convention.
For over a decade, Maryland Ensemble Theatre has been producing thought-provoking theatre, fun family entertainment, artist residency programs for public schools, challenging classes and the side-splitting Comedy Pigs. The MET is an artistic leader in the region and at the forefront of the creation of Frederick's Theater District.
Where: Maryland Ensemble Theatre, 31 West Patrick St, Frederick, Maryland 21701
Dates: Saturday, February 4 & Saturday, February 11 @ 10:30pm
Ticket Prices: All Tickets $12 ($6 for End Days ticket stubs.)
Box Office: 301-694-4744 or or at the MET (Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 3pm, Friday 11am - 3pm and 1 hour before each show.)