Spotlighters Theatre - Young Actors Academy is thrilled to announce it's eighth year, providing an intensive theatre program for Middle and High School students, and an introduction through creative play for Lower School students to the FUN-damentals of theatre and acting.
For more info or to register for the program, follow this link.
This year the High School Academy will present William Shakespeare's MACBETH - the Scottish Tragedy. The show will run Sat, Aug 11 at 2pm and Sun, Aug 12 at 7pm at Spotlighters Theatre, 817 Saint Paul Street. Tickets are available to the public (after July 15) for $12.
The Middle School Academy will tackle Shakespeare's comedy of mistaken identity - Two Gentlemen of Verona. The play runs Fri, Aug 3 and Sat, Aug 4 at 8pm at Spotlighters Theatre, 817 Saint Paul Street. Tickets are available to the public (after July 15) for $12.
Our Lower School Academy will be presenting a devised work, created using shared and common themes. Students will create the play, and full diaglogue during the summer three week program. The show plays Thursday, July 19 at 6:30pm. Tickets are FREE and available at the door at Midtown Academy - Young Actors Academy, 1398 Mount Royal Avenue - 21217.
There will be an Open House to meet our staff and tour the facility on Saturday, June 30, 2012 1pm tp 4pm at Midtown Academy - Young Actors Academy, 1398 Mount Royal Ave - 21217.
For more information on the Academy, including scholarships and discounts, email Jay Gilman at