Fells Point Corner Theatre brings one of Caryl Chuchill's most ambitious works to its stage: Love and Information. A fast paced collage of short scenes, the ensemble cast searches for meaning in a world of broken communication and constantly changing technology. Each scene deals with the various ways we receive and give information in contemporary society, but still manages to capture familiar and human moments of confusion, deep forlorn, and intense joy; moments that disappear before we even realize it. Fandom and torture, sex and terror, parenthood and loss, Churchill's kaleidoscope of contemporary life is an enjoyable and gripping experience that will leave audiences delightfully brimming with existential dread!
"[A] thought-churning, deeply poignant new play... Leave it to Ms. Churchill to come up with a work that so ingeniously and exhaustively mirrors our age of the splintered attention span... This British playwright has proved herself without peer in creating expressly topical works in which form and function are one.... Sharp-minded [and] tender-hearted." - Ben Brantley, The New York Times
Deirdre McAlister brings together some of the most imaginative talent in Baltimore for this work. Love and Information features Willard Brewington, Isaiah Harvey, Nina Kearin, Carolyn Koch, Autumn Koehnlein, Megan Livingston, Michael Makar, Jess Rivera and Caitlin Weaver.
Dates: Friday January 10, 2020 - Sunday February 2, 2020 Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Admission: $25 on Fridays/Saturdays, $20 on Sundays
*There is a Pay What You Can performance on Thursday, January 9 during the final dress rehearsal. Additional press photos will be available on www.fpct.org.