Local comedy show The Last Hurrah recently released a video in an attempt to bring filmmaker/author John Waters to Frederick. Without the help of bookers and inspired by John Water's recent book, Carsick, the crew of The Last Hurrah made an attempt to hitchhike to John Waters. And while no one in Frederick was willing to give them a ride, the video made its way to John Waters.
On Thursday, June 18, the Last Hurrah showrunner received a video response from John Waters. Standing in front of his home away from Baltimore and holding a cardboard sign that read "The Last Hurrah," Waters made the following statement:
"Hi, I'm John Waters and I've been hitchhiking to The Last Hurrah for five whole days and nobody will pick me up, so I wanted to do your show, but I can't get there. But, thanks for your great video -- it was really a cool one, and one day... and Cut!" While John Waters may not currently be able to attend the show, his wistful addition of "one day..." leaves Last Hurrah cast and crew members hopeful he may make an appearance when he's in the area. Until the day comes, The Last Hurrah will continue to produce free comedy every Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre.Videos