The first installment of JTW's new Monthly Play Reading Series at the JCC, Murder Mysteries is adapted from a short story by author Neil Gaiman. Set before the creation of man, it is a tale of love, consequences, and what it means to seek justice, and exact vengeance for the first time.
Murder Mysteries: A Play for Voices will be presented on Monday, November 26, 2012 at 7:00pm in the Community Meeting Room, Weinberg Park Heights JCC (5700 Park heights Ave.). Admission is free, and there is no need for a reservation.CAST
Narrator - Jonas Grey
Carasel - Brad Norris
Tinkerbell Richmond (Tink) – Lisa Jacobs
Dorothy - Susan Vick
Raquel - Brad Norris
Phanuel - Michael Turnanski
Angel #1 - Lisa Jacobs
Angel #2 - Susan Vick
Lucifer - Jonathan Rubin
Saraquael - Ariella McCown
Zephkiel - Jim Knost
Passenger - Jim Knost
Flight Attendant - Ariella McCown