On September 12, 2014, the Howard County Arts Council will host its Annual Meeting and FY2015 Grant Awards Ceremony from 6-8 p.m. at the Howard County Center for the Arts.
Opening remarks by Arts Council President Steve Poynot will be followed by the presentation of grant awards by Howard County Executive Ken Ulman (invited). Local and state public officials as well as leaders in the arts community will be on hand to recognize and celebrate Howard County's commitment to the arts.
In addition to the presentation of FY2015 Howard County Arts Council grant awards, the evening will feature a reception for two new exhibits, Building Perspectives and Kaleidoscope. The Center for the Arts' resident artists will also open their studios to visitors from 7-8 p.m. This event serves as the kick-off for Road the Arts, a weekend of receptions and special events at galleries throughout the county to launch Howard County's 2014-2015 gallery season.
To learn more about the awards ceremony, exhibits and other Arts Council programs call 410-313-ARTS (2787) or visit www.hocoarts.org.