High School Coven opens on Friday, January 27, 2023, and runs through Sunday, February 12.
The Strand Theater Company continues its 15th Anniversary Season as Baltimore's women-centric company with the production of High School Coven by Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin. Directed by Lee Coneracci. Assistant Directed by Penelope Chan.
TBH high school is v v v hard, especially if you're a witch! Liana, Naomi, Rachel, and Trina form a coven to cope with the pressures of being a teenage girl, like finding the perfect homecoming dress, locating a suitable familiar, and something more sinister -- reporting sexual assault within the education system.
"It's 2023. A brand-new year in the modern world", says Erin Riley, the Strand Associate Artistic Director. "But for those of us who identify as women, there are still an unbelievable number of obstacles and challenges to deal with in our daily life. Pay inequality, reproductive rights, sexual and domestic violence... and that's just the tip of the iceberg." Continues Riley: "When the director Lee Conderacci and I chose High School Coven for this Season, it was with an unapologetically feminist agenda in mind. In this play we see four young women banding together, realizing they are stronger as a coven than on their own, and using their combined power to fight egregious injustice on a personal level. Their fight is our fight. And it's important."
Cast features: Greta Boeringer, Tatiana Nya Ford, Libbey Kim, Betse Lyons, Jess Rivera, Nichemat Judith Saroff "NJ", and Julia Creutzer as understudy/swing.
High School Coven opens on Friday, January 27, 2023, and runs through Sunday, February 12. Thursday-Saturday performances start at 8pm, Sunday matinees start at 2pm. Tickets are $20 General Admission, $10 for students, seniors, and artists.
All performances take place at 5426 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214.
Mask wearing is required for attendance.
Performance Dates/Times:
Friday, January 27, 8pm, Opening Night
Saturday, January 28, 8pm
Sunday, January 29, 2pm
Friday, February 3, 8pm
Saturday, February 4, 8pm
Sunday, February 5, 2pm
Thursday, February 9, 8pm
Friday, February 10, 8pm
Saturday, February 11, 8pm
Sunday, February 12, 2pm
Visit www.strand-theater.org to purchase tickets.
Ticket Prices: General Admission - $20, Student/Senior/Artist - $10