Fells Point Corner Theatre will present SHORTS IN A BUNDLE on its Sokal Stage for three weeks only, running tonight, October 18 through November 3rd, 2013. SHORTS IN A BUNDLE is an evening of short plays selected from submissions to our 10X10 festival from the past 3 years by playwrights across the USA.
"It's like a theatrical box of chocolates!"
Nearly 250 plays were submitted to us over the past three seasons for consideration for our 10-minute play festival. The festival had a lot of rules, so Fells Point Corner Theatre has decided to throw them out and present some of the plays that broke those rules and some of the plays that just "got away." No voting, no rules, just more original plays to satisfy the short attention span.
Audiences will be treated to the following short comedies and dramas:
Be The Hunter by Tom Coash, directed by Mark Steckbeck
Crabs by Kevin Kostic, directed by Richard Dean Stover
Going Off Line by Jason Odell Williams, directed by Stephy Miller
Out From Under With Mary by Chris Shaw Swanson, directed by Richard Barber
Road Trip by Cullen Baker, directed by Kate McKenna
Skylab by Ty DeMartino, directed by Lance Lewman
The show runs Friday, October 18th through Sunday, November 3rd, 2013, playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. There will also be one Thursday performance on October 24th at 8pm. For tickets, go to www.fpct.org. Admission - $15 for all performances.